November 17, 2014

Everett Takes My Sleep.

This is a tease.
Last week, our little family took an impromptu trip to New York City. It was a work trip for Stevie, but Everett & I tagged along so that he could meet all his NYC friends (he has a lot of them!) The trip was a total success and I'm excited to share all about it... however. One very strange thing that my child picked up in the city that never sleeps is a new vigor to also never sleep.

He's been waking up every hour of every night for the past week. And that is not an exaggeration.

Sleep deprivation is a real, true, evil thing, people.

When my mind isn't an overwhelmed, exhausted mess of mush, I'll be back here.

Prayers, advice, thoughts on how to overcome this phase are more than appreciated. Mama is calling out an SOS here.


  1. Oy! is right! And yes...sleep deprivation is the real deal. Just last night, I talked with Kev about dropping my middle of the night (3 am) pump because the interrupted sleep is really taking its toll, and my body is telling me it's time for more sleep. We can't be the best mommy we can be without it. The struggle is a-real. Now I am no pro. And this might be a dumb question, but does he wake up every hour hungry? I'm afraid eating habits are the only thing I'm fairly familiar with these days ;). And we're still a work in progress. My crazy boy is up to 5 oz every feeding, and it's rocked our world a bit. But we're adjusting! :)

    1. 5 oz. every feeding is a lot for a little one! You are doing amazing mama! He was waking up every hour AND EATING - I think we were in some kind of crazy growth spurt. Thankfully, the eating that often has subsided. The sleep thing... we are still working on it. :) Thanks for your encouragement!
