March 9, 2015

Baby Registry Picks: Feeding + a Giveaway with Whisper Baby! (CLOSED)

Baby Registry Picks: Feeding

Baby Registry Picks: Feeding by oykristen
// 1. Whisper Baby Milkmaid Nursing Pillow // 2. Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump // 3. Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover // 4. Lifefactory Glass Baby Bottles // 5. Lasinoh Storage Bags, Breast Pads & Soothies // 6. Boon Lawn Drying Rack // 7. Keekaroo High Chair // 8. Tommee Tippee Bibs //

Baby Registry Picks: Feeding 
Today I am so amped to share my absolute favorite baby registry picks with you!

Since my son arrived in my life 7+ months ago, it has been an ongoing adventure of trial-and-error with different products as we approach each stage. And it feels like we are in a new stage every 2 weeks (sometimes sooner!) Over the course of this month of March, I will be sharing 5 categories of my baby registry picks with you, along with some awesome giveaways. Today, we focus on feeding! And be sure to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post, it's a gooooooood one!

1. Whisper Baby Milkmaid Nursing Pillow
I cannot say enough excellent things about this divine nursing pillow. The Milkmaid has been the single most important feeding item (other than, you know, my nursing udders) that I have utilized during this new season of feeding my baby. Learning how to nurse a baby can be an uncomfortable, and sometimes, frustrating process. But this pillow eased the struggle of that transition. It is super structured, strong and supportive, constructed with layers of firm and malleable foam to create that perfect pillow "squish". It made the seemingly constant nursing sessions seem not so laborious on my back, neck and shoulders. I've tried out friends' nursing pillows, the traditional ones you find in the typical baby stores, and none of them are nearly as comfortable or supportive as this pillow. It's so worth adding to the registry and keeping your fingers crossed that some wonderful, compassionate relative purchases it for you! Side note - my husband has used this pillow to bottle feed Everett, and he loves it just as much as me. So it's great for both bottle and breastfeeding your babe :) Make sure to scroll to the bottom of this post to see pics of the pillow in action and enter the giveaway to win a pillow for yourself!

This pump took me a minute to get the hang of it, but once I did, I loved it. I'll be honest, I am not a diligent "pumper", but when I do, this contraption gets the job done! Thankfully, most insurance companies cover the cost of pumps these days (check your policy), so the hefty price tag doesn't have to make you choke. I also really appreciate (and use!) the tote bag and little cooler that comes with the accessories kit.

3. Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover
This nursing cover has simplified the activity of feeding my baby in public places. In restaurants, while traveling on planes, in the middle of the park, at church... just to name a few. I couldn't find the link to the exact color of my cover (it's a orange one), but I would recommend a solid-color or darker patterned print. My child is always distracted by the pattern of the cover and it's enough to deter him from nursing sometimes. He gets all wide-eyed and transfixed, as if he's on the inside of a kaleidoscope. So, a little tip... maybe aim for a less busy print.

4. Lifefactory Glass Baby Bottles
I love these bottles. My baby does not. But I still want to share this brand with you because it's pretty amazing and I can't really get my child to really love any bottle - we've tried several different brands including different nipples - so I think he's just a little spoiled rotten (if you have tips for tricking a 7-month into suddenly loving bottles, I am all ears!) But I personally love this brand because the bottles are made completely free of BPA, BPS and phthalates and designed with medical-grade silicon nipples. I love quality materials. Next time around (if there is a next time around!) I will attempt to introduce bottle feeding a little sooner, and hopefully my child will fall in love with these products the same way I have. 

I am grateful for this product line by Lasinoh - these are all necessary "tools" to have ready for when the baby arrives! The storage bags for expressed breast milk, the pads for those sore nipples and soothies for the occasional (but necessary) nipple therapy. These are simple "must haves" for those breastfeeding and pumping mamas! Go ahead and have these on-hand before the baby arrives. You won't be sorry.

6. Boon Lawn Drying Rack 
This is a drying rack with personality. Some creative genius came up with a fun way to jazz up the annoying process of cleaning and drying those rascal breast pump parts. This is a peppy kitchen accessory that you will be happy to leave out on your kitchen counter top.

7. Keekaroo High Chair 
Best high chair ever. My darling physical therapist friend Lorin shared the tip that this chair is developed to be ergonomically correct for baby's sitting posture. And hey, if the physical therapist says its true... well then I trust her! It's super safe (with a 3-point harness system), made without BPAs or harsh chemicals (lacquered with a plant-based, non-toxic finish), is made in the USA (American manufacturing, woohoo!) and is pretty darn beautiful to look at. Everett has gotten really comfortable in his special seat after only about 8 weeks of using it - it's made meal time really hilarious and fun for all.

8. Tommee Tippee Bibs 
These bibs. Are the bomb. Don't buy any others! Draping your child in a rubbery food-catcher is the only way to ensure a stain-free mealtime experience. Which means less laundry. Which means mommy is happy. Also, Everett likes to store prizes in these bibs, from time to time. It's darn cute.

These are the most-used, best-loved products in our feeding arsenal. Do you have any feeding picks to add to the list? If so, make sure to comment below! It's been an exploratory 7+ months for me and my little one and I love sharing what I've learned. Hopefully it will help you in your own baby-feeding journey! For in-depth (and perhaps an overshare) of nursing info, see my post about about breastfeeding and postpartum recovery. For more info on baby food resources and recipes, you can check out my post about Stage 1 Baby Foods

Now for a Giveaway!
I am so so SO thrilled to be partnering with Whisperbaby to give away the mother of all nursing pillows, the Milkmaid! I cannot possibly describe this pillow grandly enough - it's made my entire transition into nursing as flawless as it could be. It's such a quality product for such a vulnerable time in every mama's life - I am stoked to gift one of my lucky readers with this incredible product! And for the next month (until April 9th) Whisper Baby is offering a 15% discount to Oy! readers using the code OYKRISTEN. Seriously, if you are pregnant or nursing (or ever plan to!) you should really take advantage of this stellar deal :)

*Photos by Rachel Spencer
Enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter below (sorry - U.S based entries, only!) You just have to "like" Whisper Baby and Oykristen on Facebook and follow on Instagram, simple as that! 1 winner will be chosen at random within 1 week and contacted by email. Best of luck to all of you!

Many thanks to Whisper Baby for sponsoring this giveaway for Oykristen readers :)


  1. Thanks for hosting this! FYI- it is against the terms that you have someone like for an entry. But I did check out each of the sites!

    1. Hi Aimee! Thanks for the heads up! Best of luck in the giveaways :)

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

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