March 18, 2013

TASTE: A Sweet Springtime Snack

Happy Monday, Friends!

I have news for you. I have finally discovered the perfect snack. Or breakfast. Or anything. It's just the tastiest treat. (Okay, I didn't discover it, but I discovered it for myself, you know what I mean.) It's even better than dessert at Max Brenner's, no joke. I've been treating myself to this since I started loading up on extra berries at the Haymarket. Having an abundance of berries around the house makes me feel like the Queen of England. This snack is truly magnificent. Live it up and treat yourself.

This is how I build it (in the order of layers, from bottom to top):
- Greek yogurt (I like Fage, but I don't discriminate)
- Granola
- Strawberries
- Sliced almonds
- Blueberries
- Walnuts
- Shredded Coconut
- Drizzle with Honey*

*The honey I use is from the fabulous honey store that I'm madly in love with. I find excuses to walk through this little boutique, Follow the Honey, far more often than I ever actually need to. They have honey on tap. They have beeswax candles. They have honeycomb jewelry. I can't get enough. Just like this tasty parfait.

I hope this special snack will brighten your Monday and make you feel like the sweetness of springtime is just around the corner :-)

Bon Appetit!


  1. Ooh yummy... This looks absolutely amazing!

    1. It's delightful. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

  2. Right now everything looks mummm good, but this looks especially tasty... and healthy! Love the sharing of goodness! Surely goodness and tastiness shall follow you all the days of your life!
